Bake a batch of cookies for your local fire department. In addition to being really brave and selfless and hard-working, it's a fact that all firefighters love baked goods.
Buy a whole bunch of socks and donate them to your local homeless shelter. They're one of the most requested, least donated items.
Buy a package of baby wipes. Leave it on the changing table in a public restroom. Some busy mom who is fresh out of wipes will absolutely love you for it.

Send a care package to a deployed soldier. Here's what deployed troops really want in their care packages, and here's a list of organizations that can help you do it.
Go Christmas caroling at a nursing home. According to the National Center for Health Statistics, more than 50 percent of nursing home residents have no close relatives. You could really brighten a lonely person's day by providing even just 30 minutes of entertainment and company.
Volunteer at a children's hospital. Seriously, it'll change your life. Many children's hospitals have an established volunteer program, no experience necessary!

Adopt a family. Contact your local or regional United Way about a "Christmas Bureau" or community-based, low-income holiday assistance program. (Most of these programs have a deadline of December 17, so put it on your calendar for next year!)
Cook! Take a few hours on a Saturday or Sunday to go cook and serve food at a homeless shelter or food pantry. These organizations always need hard-working volunteers!
Give the gift of reading. This organization enables children who may not have access to a public library to discover the world of books.