Monday, May 19, 2008

Country Curtains

Found some great curtain ideas from Park Designs. These came from the country curtains section at Primitive Home Decor.

I love these Willow and Sheep Valances:

The Ohio Star valances are cool, but might not work with our new home decor.

These Honey and Spice curtains would brighten up just about any room. They would look great in the kitchen.

Cabin Quilt design is much more subdued than the Honey and Spice, but very rustic / country feel to them.

These Homestead design valances might just do the trick. Simple design for simple folks living in the country. (Even though we're really not that far out in the country.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Framing goes pretty fast in the country

They let the concrete harden for a few days before the framing started, but they didn't waste any time getting the walls up. From Monday to Friday, they framed the entire basement, framed all the exterior walls and started putting up weather proofing and framed the intior walls. WOW!!!

This is the view we will have from the kitchen

This is the rear elevation. So much for the concrete patio... Looks like a great spot for a deck.

They are going so fast, Kate will be challenged to get everything picked out by the time they are ready to install.

And then the concrete crew visited our country home site

Not more than a day after the excavator dug this huge hole in the side of the hill, the concrete crew from Weber Concrete showed up to pour the footer and set the concrete forms to pour the basement walls. These guys move FAST!!!

Basement Dug and Foundation Poured

First there was a bulldozer, then there was a huge excavator...