Monday, April 21, 2008

Big Gravel, Little Since

The excavators got the big #2 gravel spread in the driveway last Thursday, but they haven't done a whole lot since then. The gravel is hard to drive on (even in the truck) but it's even harder to walk on in boots. The dog (Buddy) prefers to walk in the muddy grassy areas and I can't say I would argue with him if I didn't understand what muddy feet do to carpet...
Kate is still working on the pictures from last week so I will get those posted as soon as they are available. Several great pictures, they just haven't been processed yet. Even got a couple pictures of Jesse on his birthday with his 3 finger salute to the new project.
Somewhat disappointed today because they didn't start digging the basement. No word from the contractor yet on the timeline, but I'm sure he has a good reason for the timing. Looking forward to rapid progress once they get all the subcontractors lined up.

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